[389-users] 389 Replication from 389-ds-base 1.2.11 to 1.3.8
2018-12-10 19:55:20 UTC
I have a simple question I hope

We currently have a master 389 Directory Server on 1.2.11 and I was wondering if it is possible to replicate to a 389 Directory Server 1.3.8 consumer? Has anyone done this?

Thanks in advance
Bob Kong
Mark Reynolds
2018-12-10 20:48:02 UTC
Post by KONG, BOB
I have a simple question I hope

We currently have a master 389 Directory Server on 1.2.11 and I was
wondering if it is possible to replicate to a 389 Directory Server
1.3.8 consumer? Has anyone done this?
Yes this should work just fine
Post by KONG, BOB
Thanks in advance
Bob Kong
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